Construction and mining companies have a lot responsibilities in the work place. They must ensure the safety of their staff and comply with strict environmental requirements. One of the most important duties for companies is controlling the amount of dust they produce. Dust can have serious health repercussions on the workforce and people who live near the site. Being exposed to high quantities of dust can affect the respiratory system and eyes. Those with pre-existent conditions can see them worsen. Companies must find cost-effective ways to keep dust under the legal limit.

Watering programs can be complemented with great products that will provide longer lasting results. These products are usually added to the water and applied as you normally would. You can expect to reduce your water usage and expenses. However, you still need to be sure that you are keeping dust to a minimum. To do this, it is necessary to measure Dust Control Efficiency (DCE). Companies that specialise in dust control services will let you find out if you are complying with the regulations.

They will provide you with a mobile dust monitoring unit that gathers data to prove that you meet the industry’s air quality regulations. You can also use the information to find out how dust suppression products are performing and if results can be improved. This is one of the most cost-effective dust control services because it requires minimal training and it can be installed in any location where dust is emitted, including haul trucks, rail wagons, stockpiles, etc.

The system clearly shows the different levels of dust around the site. This information lets you focus on the areas that need the most attention. This will allow you to reduce the quantity of water and dust suppression treatments and optimise your maintenance scheduling. Overwatering can damage roads and you would be wasting your resources but having access to this information can save you significant amounts of money.